Created by Jim Reynolds, The Neighborhood is an American television sitcom that debuted its first season on October 1, 2018, and has continued to captivate fans over six seasons. The most recent season, the sixth, premiered just a day before on February 12, 2024. The show follows Dave Johnson (nicest guy in the Midwest), as he relocates with his white family to a predominantly African American neighborhood in Los Angeles. However, not everyone embraces his overly friendly demeanor, particularly their new next-door neighbor, Calvin Butler. If you are wondering whether there will be a The Neighborhood Season 7, then we’ve got you covered.
Here’s all the The Neighborhood Season 7 date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a The Neighborhood Season 7 release date?
The Neighborhood Season 7 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of the current moment, there is no official announcement regarding the status of The Neighborhood Season 7. The series has neither been confirmed for renewal nor canceled at the time of writing. Fans of The Neighborhood are eagerly awaiting positive news regarding the seventh season of the show. However, the creators have chosen not to disclose any information, maintaining silence on the matter. This leaves fans in suspense, eagerly awaiting official updates about the future of the show.
The Neighborhood has garnered world aclaims, securing a solid 6.7/10 rating on IMDb. The show holds an amazing 71% Average Audience Rating on Rotten Tomatoes. If The Neighborhood gets the green light for a seventh season, fans might be able to catch The Neighborhood Season 7 on screens by mid-2025 or late 2025, considering filming and the writing has not yet begun.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have so far. ComingSoon will provide an update to this story once we receive official details.
The cast of The Neighborhood includes Cedric the Entertainer as Calvin Butler, Max Greenfield as Dave Johnson, Tichina Arnold as Tina Butler, Beth Behrs as Gemma Johnson, Sheaun McKinney as Malcolm Butler, Marcel Spears as Martin ‘Marty’ Lawrence Butler, Hank Greenspan as Grover Johnson, and others.
Where is The Neighborhood Season 7 coming out?
The Neighborhood Season 7 is likely to come out on CBS Broadcasting Inc. (Columbia Broadcasting System), the same as the previous ones.
The official synopsis for The Neighborhood reads:
“The nicest guy in the Midwest moves his family into a tough neighborhood in Los Angeles where not everyone appreciates his extreme neighborliness. That includes their new next-door neighbor Calvin.”