Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9
Credits: The Sci-Fi Channel

Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9: Where to Watch & Stream Online

Mystery Science Theater 3000 also known as MST3K is a television sci-fi comedy show and cult classic. The show is centered around the comical adventures of a human and a group of conscious robots who are confined to the spaceship named Satellite of Love, where they are compelled to view low-budget B-movies.

As they watch these films, the human host and the robots engage in humorous commentary, blending sharp quips with obscure references and playful humor as a strategy to maintain their sanity. The unique rapport between the host and the robots is a key element to the show’s popularity.

Here’s where you can watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9 online.

Where can you watch and stream Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9?

You can watch and stream Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9 on Peacock.

The season kicks off with the invention of a teleporting machine by a scientist, which is circumstantially sabotaged. The scientist, desperate to prove the worth of his creation, tries to teleport his own body. He ends up mutating himself instead, bequeathing him with the power of killing anything that he touches with his hand. The season goes on to follow similar stories featuring werewolves, aliens, and even Satan.

The show was created by Joel Hodgson, a prop comedian, writer, and actor, who worked with producer Jim Mallon. The season 9 consists of 13 episodes, and aired between March 14, 1998 and September 26, 1998.

How to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9 and stream online

Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) Season 9 is available to watch on Peacock. Peacock is a streaming service from NBCUniversal that features TV shows, movies, original series, live sports, and news programs.

You can watch via Peacock by following these steps:

  1. Go to
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Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of TV, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo Shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus is the same plan but with no ads (save for limited exclusions), along with allowing users to download select titles and watch them offline and providing access to your local NBC channel live 24/7.

The official synopsis for Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1989) reads:

“A stranded spaceship pilot captured by mad scientists survives a blitz of cheesy B movies by riffing on them with his funny robot pals.”

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