Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship is a reality series in which talented kid bakers compete against each other in several challenges designed to showcase their talent, imagination, and presentation. The series premiered on February 2, 2015, with season 12 debuting on January 1, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a season 13, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Kids Baking Championship Season 13 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Kids Baking Championship Season 13 release date?
Kids Baking Championship Season 13 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of February 2024, Kids Baking Championship Season 13 hasn’t been officially announced. However, in January 2024, a few weeks after season 12 premiered, Valerie Bertinelli, who had hosted the series along with Duff Goldman since its inception, took to Instagram to announce that she had been let go and would not be returning for the upcoming season. Bertinelli said that she was “sad” that this happened in the video she posted. “I know it’s not supposed to,” she explained. “Logically, I know that it’s business. Budget cuts, right?” she added.
Bertinelli also mentioned that season 12 was filmed in summer 2022, and seemed to imply season 13 either had started production at the time or would do so soon. Either way, it’s safe to speculate that Kids Baking Championship will return in late 2024 or early 2025, given the release pattern of the recent seasons.
Duff Goldman will likely continue to serve as the host in season 13.
Where is Kids Baking Championship Season 13 coming out?
Kids Baking Championship Season 13 could come out on Food Network.
This is because the previous seasons came out on the same platform. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when season 13 is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Kids Baking Championship reads:
“Hosts and judges Duff Goldman and Valerie Bertinelli will lead eight talented kid bakers through challenges designed to find the most-impressive and creative young baker. In each challenge the contestants, ranging in age from 10 to 13, will be tested on their baking skills and originality as they whip up delectable desserts, including creative cakes, mouthwatering cookies and pastries.”