El Conde is a Chilean horror and comedy movie that follows a 250-year-old vampire, Augusto Pinochet, who decides to die but does not want to be remembered as a thief. Things may not go as he plans due to his money-loving family.
Here’s where you can watch El Conde online.
Where can you watch and stream El Conde?
You can watch and stream El Conde on Netflix.
The dark satire film is exclusively available on the streamer via subscription. It was released on September 15, 2023, and has a runtime of 110 minutes.
Directed by Oscar-nominee Pablo Larraín, the film stars:
- Jaime Vadell as El Conde
- Gloria Münchmeyer as Lucia
- Alfredo Castro as Fyodor
- Paula Luchsinger as Carmencita
- Stella Gonet as Margaret
- Catalina Guerra as Luciana
- Amparo Noguera as Mercedes
- Antonia Zegers as Jacinta
- Marcial Tagle as Anibal
- Diego Muñoz as Manuel
How to watch El Conde and stream online
Viewers should create a Netflix account to watch and stream the film online. The process is simple.
Visit the Netflix website, choose a preferable subscription plan, enter your email address and password, and select a payment method to register and make an account on the streamer. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel the subscription plan anytime.
Netflix provides three types of subscription plans, which are as follows:
- Standard Plan (with ads): It costs $6.99/month. This plan will support up to two devices.
- Standard Plan (without ads): It costs $15.49/month and is an ad-free option.
- Premium Plan: It costs $19.99/month and supports four devices simultaneously.
The official synopsis for the film reads:
“After living for over two centuries, Augusto Pinochet is a vampire ready to die… but the vultures around him won’t let him go without one last bite.”