That Darn Cat! (1965) tells the story of a cat who unwittingly helps solve a bank robbery when a kidnapped bank teller attaches her watch to its neck. Soon a cat-allergic FBI agent Zeke Kelso is assigned the case and must follow the cat to get more answers.
Here’s where you can watch That Darn Cat! online.
Where can you watch and stream That Darn Cat! (1965)?
You can watch and stream That Darn Cat! on Disney Plus.
A movie packed with both comedy and thriller, That Darn Cat! is widely loved for its ingenuity. It was directed by Robert Stevenson, and written by Gordon Gordon, Mildred Gordon, and Bill Walsh. The cast includes Hayley Mills as Patti Randall, Dean Jones as Zeke Kelso, Dorothy Provine as Ingrid Randall, Roddy McDowall as Gregory Benson, and Neville Brand as Dan.
How to watch That Darn Cat! (1965) and stream online
That Darn Cat! is available for streaming and watching online for those who have a Disney Plus subscription. All you need to do is visit the official website or install the application, select “SIGN UP NOW”, enter your email address and password, choose a suitable subscription plan, and finally complete the process with the payment. Once signed up, you can enjoy streaming.
Disney Plus gives you access to a vast range of movies and TV series, of every genre, produced by major studios like Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox, and National Geographic. It also allows you to select a subscription plan that meets your needs:
-An ad-supported basic plan at $7.99 per month.
-An ad-free premium plan at $10.99 per month.
-An ad-free premium plan at $109.99 per year.
The official synopsis for That Darn Cat! reads:
“A young woman suspects foul play when her cat comes home wearing a wristwatch. Convincing the FBI, though, and catching the bad guys is tougher than she imagined.”