If you’re looking to watch and stream Okja, but don’t know where to find it, then look no further as we have all the details for you here. The film documents the story of a young girl, Mija, who goes to great lengths to save her animal friend Okja after a large multinational conglomerate Mirando Corporation takes the super pig to New York City.
Here’s where you can watch Okja online.
Where can you watch and stream Okja?
You can watch and stream Okja on Netflix. The film is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The cast includes Tilda Swinton as Lucy Mirando, Paul Dano as Jay, Seo-hyun Ahn as Mija, Jake Gyllenhaal as Johnny Wilcox, and Giancarlo Esposito as Frank Dawson. Lee Jung-eun has lent the voice to the character of Okja.
How to watch Okja and stream online
You will have to get a Netflix subscription to watch and stream Okja. Before that, you will have to sign up. Visit netflix.com/signup, create an account by entering your email and password, choose a subscription plan that suits you best (this can be upgraded or downgraded anytime), make the payment, and enjoy streaming the movie, along with other content!
Netflix offers three reasonable subscription plans for you to choose from – Standard with ads plan at $6.99 a month, Standard (ad-free) plan at $15.49 a month, and Premium plan at $19.99 a month. Extra member slots can be added for $7.99/month in the Standard (ad-free) and Premium plans.
The official synopsis for Okja reads:
“A gentle giant and the girl who raised her are caught in the crossfire between animal activism, corporate greed, and scientific ethics.”