Come out of the shadows June 26
Sequel launches worldwide on iOS on July 18
The Mortal Kombat character comes to the DCU
"Two Silhouettes"
Come out of the shadows June 26
"Short and stabby" set to appear
"A Twist of Fate"
Stay tuned for the gameplay reveal on June 10th
Coming to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on November 19
Atomic Blimp pre-order bonus now available
"Good Night, Good Luck"
"Your enemies will define you"
The next generation of Battlefield begins on October 29
Videos from Microsoft, Infinity Ward and EA
"A New Generation Revealed"
"Death and Choices"
Joker, Bane, and more confirmed to appear
They'll reveal it in full at E3
Play as the Merc with a Mouth on June 25
Play the prequel October 25