Watch the new announcement trailer
For the studio's expansion into video games and more
A Mario Kart 8 Wii U Bundle, multiplayer, new items, new racers and more
SHAREfactory, automatic downloading of pre-ordered games, and more
Watch the new trailer for the racing game
And check out the GameStop exclusive pre-order vehicle
The shooter will be available on Origin and other retailers for PC
Available on April 29
Coming for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC
Featuring commentary by Aaron "Ayesee" Chambers and Chris Ashton
The game will be available on May 27
Coming this fall
The sequel to Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II
Now available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC
Can you spot the hidden dragon?
Plus Resident Evil 7 is expected to be announced at E3
The sequel from developer Young Horses
Coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC
PS4 software sales exceed 20.5 million
Coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC this October