X-Men: First Class

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Rating: PG-13


James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier

Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto

Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Darkholme / Mystique

Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw

Rose Byrne as Dr. Moira MacTaggert

January Jones as Emma Frost

Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy / Beast

Jason Flemyng as Azazel

Zoë Kravitz as Angel Salvadore

Lucas Till as Alex Summers / Havok

Morgan Lily as Young Raven Darkholme / Young Mystique

Oliver Platt as Man in Black

Edi Gathegi as Armando Muñoz / Darwin

Ray Wise as Secretary of State of the United States

Bill Milner as Young Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto

Caleb Landry Jones as Sean Cassidy / Banshee

Álex González as Janos Quested / Riptide

Demetri Goritsas as Levene

Laurence Belcher as Young Charles Xavier

Directed by Matthew Vaughn

Special Features:

Theatrical Feature

Children of the Atom

Other Info:

Widescreen (2.35:1)

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound

Spanish Subtitles

Spanish and French Language

Running Time: 132 Minutes

The Details:

The following is the official description of the film:

“‘X-Men: First Class’ is the thrilling, eye-opening chapter you’ve been waiting for…Witness the beginning of the X-Men Universe. Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their superhuman powers for the first time, working together in a desperate attempt to stop the Hellfire Club and a global nuclear war.”

“X-Men: First Class” is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, some sexual content including brief partial nudity and language.

The Movie:

I have to admit that though I am a huge fan of the “X-Men” movies and comics, “X-Men: First Class” was not really on my radar. Most of my attention was on “Thor” and “Captain America.” And the posters, images, and other advertisements didn’t get me that excited about it either. So imagine my surprise when I found this prequel/reboot to not only be quite good, but one of the better superhero movies ever made. I’d put it on par with “X2” as the best of the “X-Men” series.

Where to start? Well, let’s begin with the period setting of the film. It’s set in the 1960s, so the sets, costumes, cars, and speech are all quite unique. You hear Charles Xavier call a woman “groovy.” You see President Kennedy on the TV screens. You see Emma Frost in go-go boots. It gives the movie a look and feel unlike any other superhero movie. The period setting also gives “X-Men: First Class” a unique James Bond feel. You half expect Sean Connery to walk onto the set at any moment. We follow Erik Lehnsherr as a Nazi hunter and he’s every bit as dashing and lethal as James Bond. The only difference is that he uses his mutant powers rather than gadgets. It’s a fantastic take on the Magneto character.

The cast of “X-Men: First Class” is phenomenal across the board. James McAvoy is perfect as Professor Charles Xavier. While his performance perfectly compliments Patrick Stewart’s from the previous movies, he stands well as a character on his own. He’s optimistic, friendly, and inspiring. He’s a perfect leader and it’s easy to see why the characters are drawn to him… even his enemies. Yet at the same time, we see him as a young man using his powers to hit on women, we see him chugging beer in a bar, and generally being human. It’s nice to see Professor X as a human being…er…mutant.

Jennifer Lawrence is also great as Raven Darkholme / Mystique. While she was pretty much eye candy in the previous X-Men movies, here her character is given a lot more depth. She takes the stereotypical story of a teenager conflicted about body image and ratchets it up a notch by throwing her mutant powers into the mix. It’s great to see her as a younger adopted sister of Charles Xavier. Their relationship becomes significantly more complex and you almost wish the other X-Men movies could be revisited so that Patrick Stewart and Rebecca Romijn could have some more scenes together. She also forms an intriguing romance with Hank McCoy that becomes a really engaging subplot for the story.

As already mentioned, Michael Fassbender is incredible as Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto. Ian McKellen was awesome as Magneto, but Fassbender gives us a cool new perspective on the character. His relationship with Charles Xavier is explored in greater depth here in a realistic way. You are quite sympathetic with his character and his motivations for revenge and his distrust of mankind. It’s also easy to see why mutants would be drawn to him as others are drawn to Xavier. We also get to see Magneto use his powers in unique and lethal ways. It’s actually quite shocking, even to audiences already dulled by movie violence.

While I’m making confessions in this review, I have to say that I didn’t understand the casting of Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw. He seemed like too recognizable a face. He didn’t seem malicious enough. I just didn’t see it. But after watching “X-Men: First Class” I have to say I was wrong. Bacon did a great job. We see two versions of the character. The first version is his Nazi scientist incarnation. Bacon delivers all of his lines in German in the eerie scene as he psychologically manipulates young Erik. And when he finally gets his to unleash his powers, he manically laughs. The movie compares him a lot to Dr. Frankenstein and it’s true. You half expect him to yell, “It’s alive! It’s alive!” as Erik unleashes his magnetic powers. Later in the film we see his other incarnation – that of the leader of the Hellfire club. He’s smooth, chauvinistic, and manipulative. But every once in a while you see bits of the mad scientist break through. When Erik and Shaw have their inevitable final confrontation, it’s very satisfying and one of the more shocking and memorable moments of the film. It’s a great performance by Bacon.

The rest of the cast doesn’t get quite as much screen time as the other characters, but they all get moments to shine. I’m a big fan of Rose Byrne. I think she’s an incredibly versatile actress and she proves it again by going from “Bridesmaids” to “X-Men: First Class.” She represents the best humanity has to offer as Dr. Moira MacTaggert and there are some great hints at a romance between her and Professor X. Nicholas Hoult also stands out as Hank McCoy / Beast. As previously mentioned, he has a great romance with Mystique and his transformation scene into Beast is a very cool, werewolf-like, first person view that will amaze you. Lucas Till is also great as Alex Summers / Havok. He’s the kind of bad boy / jock of the group and the scenes where he attempts to master his powers add a lot of comic relief. The same can be said about Caleb Landry Jones as Sean Cassidy / Banshee. (I just wish they had kept his Irish origins in this movie.) Also look for small roles by Oliver Platt, Michael Ironside, and Ray Wise.

“X-Men: First Class” has a lot of Easter Eggs for X-Men fans. You get to see Magneto in his full comic book costume, red horns and all. You also get to see a couple of cameos by characters from earlier in the series, neither of which I want to ruin here. And if you’re well-read on the comics, you know that the devil-like Azazel played by Jason Flemyng has a lot more significant role in the X-Men universe than is revealed in this film.

As great as “X-Men: First Class” is, it does have a few problems. First of all, I wasn’t too impressed with the Beast makeup. It somehow didn’t look right, mainly with the hair, I suppose. On occasion when he’s in the Blackbird cockpit it looks good, but I half expected laughs when he first appeared on the screen.

I also wasn’t a big fan of the musical score by Henry Jackman. At times it sounded like something that would come off of a TV show, not a big, epic orchestral score like you’d expect. I also thought it would be more reflective of the ’60s, but I don’t think it was.

Finally, the previous X-Men movies were OK for kids under 10 to check out. “X-Men: First Class” is not, in my opinion. As Magneto tortures people, it gets quite graphic. He kills people in quite disturbing ways. I loved it as an adult, but my younger kids are not ready for it. There is also one f-bomb uttered by a character in a not-so-subtle way. No kid will miss it. So I think this movie is one where parents really need to heed the PG-13 rating. I’m kind of disappointed I can’t take my kids to it and thus give more money to Fox and Marvel. I think as an X-Men movie they should have been consistent in tone across all of the movies. It’s a shame that the films are kind of following the comics – you can’t pick up many Marvel comic books these days and hand them to a young kid to read.

“X-Men: First Class” is a great prequel to the X-Men movies and a great reboot of the series. I hope this movie performs well enough that they assemble this team to do more films set in this era. They have a lot to be proud of with this film. I’m just hoping one day we can see an X-Men crossover with the Avengers!

The Extras:

I’ll give you a little peek behind the curtain in the movie review game – Fox Home Entertainment usually sends review copies of their films the day they hit stores or a couple of days later. Since “X-Men: First Class” hadn’t shown up yet, I went ahead and bought the Blu-ray for my personal collection. While I was watching the Blu-ray, the UPS guy showed up and left me a review copy of “X-Men: First Class.” However, Fox sent me the DVD, not the Blu-ray. I’m not entirely sure why Fox sent the DVD for review because the Blu-ray is infinitely better. In fact, this is one of my favorite Blu-rays for the entire year. It has an hour-long documentary on the making of the move that’s incredibly in-depth. It has several featurettes. It has deleted scenes, digital comics, and much, much more. The DVD has very, very little. It only contains two parts of the longer “Children of the Atom” documentary. With the DVD, you’re getting only a fraction of the bonus features. If you only care about the film and you don’t have a Blu-ray player and an HDTV, then this DVD is fine. But if you’re interested in bonus features, forget the DVD. Just get the Blu-ray. Fox put very little effort into the DVD beyond giving it two different slipcase covers and sticking a ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ sticker on the box. I’d give the Blu-ray a 9 out of 10 but this DVD a 6 out of 10.

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