Rescue Dawn

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Rating: PG-13


Christian Bale as Lt. Dieter Dengler

Steve Zahn as Duane

Jeremy Davies as Gene

Abhijati ‘Meuk’ Jusakul as Phisit

Lek Chaiyan Chunsuttiwat as Procet

Zach Grenier as Squad Leader

Marshall Bell as Admiral Berrington

Toby Huss as Spook

Pat Healy as Norman

GQ as Farkas

James Oliver as Jet Pilot

Brad Carr as U.S. Navy Pilot

Mr. Saichia Wongwiroj as Pathet Lao Guard

François Chau as Province Governor

Teerawat Mulvilai as Little Hitler

Mr. Yuttana Muenwaja as Crazy Horse

Mr. Kriangsak Ming-olo as Jumbo

Somkuan ‘Kuan’ Siroon as Nook the Rock

Mr. Chorn Solyda as Walkie Talkie

Special Features:

Commentary by Director Werner Herzog and Interviewer Norman Hill


Deleted Scenes

Still Gallery


Other Info:

Widescreen (1.85:1)

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound

Spanish and French Language

Spanish Subtitles

Running Time: 126 Minutes


The following is from the DVD description:

“Real-life story of a US fighter pilot Dengler, shot down and captured during the Vietnam War. Christian Bale as Dengler, plans a death-defying escape.”

Rescue Dawn is rated PG-13 for some sequences of intense war violence and torture.

The Movie:

Director Werner Herzog has made dozens of documentaries about various topics in the past few years–2005’s “Grizzly Man” being a standout that received the most attention. An earlier documentary, 1999’s “Little Dieter Needs to Fly,” told the true story of an eccentric pilot who was shot down and imprisoned in a POW camp, and it makes some sense that Herzog would choose to adapt Dieter’s story into his first dramatic feature in five years.

The movie begins with Dieter Dengler’s mission into North Vietnam before the Vietnam War had officially begun, but he’s quickly shot down forcing him to survive in the jungle before being captured, tortured and thrown into a POW camp with a group of eccentric prisoners who’ve been there for years. As Dieter tries to acclimate to the politics of the prisoner camp and the deteriorating conditions, he hatches an elaborate escape plan with the support of Steve Zahn’s Duane, only facing dissension from the mopey Gene, played by Jeremy Davies of “Saving Private Ryan,” both of whom have been driven insane by the conditions. The lack of food adds to the decreasing morale among their guards makes it easier for Dieter to finally go through with their escape, but he and Duane soon discover that it’s much harder to survive in the wild jungles of Laos, as they brave the elements without sufficient supplies.

Without having seen the original doc, it’s hard to know how much artistic license Herzog took with the various tortures and travails faced by Dengler, but this is another visually gorgeous film that returns Herzog to the jungle setting that has played such a large part in his cinematic history while visiting common themes of man against nature, especially in the scenes following Dieter’s crash landing and after his escape into the jungle. As beautiful as the film looks, the writing isn’t that great, and the movie tends to drag during the lengthy time spent in the POW camp. The attempt to keep things light with humor keeps this from ever being taken as seriously as a wartime drama like “The Deer Hunter” either.

On the other hand, Herzog couldn’t have found a better actor to capture Dieter’s brash and boisterous charm than Christian Bale, who quickly wins you over with his laissez faire attitude and his humorous reactions to serious situations. Dieter is a great film protagonist and a fine leader for the motley group of POWs who have to eat maggots and suffer all sorts of indignities at the hands of their captors. At times, Bale’s cockiness as Dieter goes a bit beyond the point where you can fully like him, but one has to respect Bale’s desire to play such unconventional roles that have him roughing it in the wild and taking bites out of real snakes. Steve Zahn has appeared in so many bad and mediocre comedies that it’s surprising to see him take on a more serious role and deliver a performance that equals and sometimes even surpasses that of Bale. By comparison, Jeremy Davies spends much of the movie moping and acting strangely, and while this normal routine might be appropriate for his whacked out character, it sometimes makes it harder to take their dangerous situation in the camp as seriously as one should.

The Extras:

The bonus features are a bit light, but still worthwhile. You’ll find a commentary by director Werner Herzog and interviewer Norman Hill. The featurettes contain your usual ‘making of’ offerings. They discuss adapting the true story, the trials of shooting in the jungle, and more. It’s really a remarkable story and one of the more interesting ‘making of’ stories.

There are three Deleted Scenes. The first is on the ship at the beginning showing more interaction between Dieter and the pilots. The second scene shows Dieter being tortured by inserting bamboo under his fingernails and again refusing to sign a document denouncing America. The final scene shows him being transported to the prison camp and fighting to keep his engagement ring which a local steals (then gets his finger cut off to get back).

Rounding out the extras are a Still Gallery and Trailers.

The Bottom Line:

Although there are a few superfluous and slow scenes that could have been cut to keep things moving at a smoother pace, you have to respect Herzog’s ability to capture the nature and scope of Dengler’s capture and escape with all the brutality and beauty of his earlier films. There’s something very organic and natural about “Rescue Dawn” in a way only Herzog could have mustered, and that often makes up for the awkward and somewhat silly scenes.

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