The film label will be announced to the world "soon-ish"
Can you deduce the show's mysterious release date?
The sequel arrives on November 17
The episode airs Thursday, October 5
The series returns in 2018
The film starred Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis
The series premieres on October 2
The series returns October 12
The series premieres this November
The 1986 original was released by Disney
The sequel arrives in 2018
The sequel arrives this November
The film by Joe Wright arrives this November
Plus a Jigsaw escape room is coming to NYCC
The game debuts on October 27
The film is set to arrive in 2018
The second season premieres on October 11
Including Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Amnesia: Collection
The series premieres on ABC this Friday, September 29
Hannah John-Kamen plays the antagonist in the sequel