The producers are seeking a new home...
Today's Mad lib for you.
The southern set crime dramedy arrives in September
The announcement comes ten years to the day of a previous attempt at a new adaptation.
The Paul Feig film arrives November 8
The actor will make his film debut with the prequel
Meanwhile another one bites the dust in New Line's The Kitchen
The film was scheduled to open in September
The film will feature the ever popular Joe soldier, "Chuckles"
The pair will develop new TV series and movies
Anya Taylor Joy stars in the thriller
Thor: Love and Thunder will have to come after
The sequel arrives in 2020
Meet your double!
Well, probably not these three.
The animated film arrives October 11
It's unclear if these will be series or features for the streaming platform
The series premieres August 30
The slasher-inspired season premieres in September!
Seasons 3 and 4 will film back-to-back