Christian Bale and Matt Damon star in the November release
The film saw a significant drop from the 2014 film's opening
If you blink, you might miss them!
This highly bingeable television show has EVERYTHING
The series premieres August 30!
We've got all your recommendations once you've seen Godzilla: King of the Monsters!
On the whole, the film works as summer-time popcorn-munching fun, but....
Highlighting the various looks of the King of the Monsters!
Avengers: Endgame crossed the $800 million mark domestically!
Plus Star Trek, X-Men, and Alfred Hitchcock!
"Brightburn seldom strays too far from the expected, there are moments where a unique sensibility on the story takes hold."
The new film arrives November 1!
New details on the sequel revealed!
The new horror game from the creators of Until Dawn is on the way!
Yeah, he's pissed off....
The third film perfectly sets up the previously announced spin-off....
Valar morghulis
The series returns in 2020
The series opened at #1 in the US, a franchise first!
Mel Gibson will direct the remake