Joining Russell's Abscam drama as Christian Bale's wife
Controversial Lindsay Lohan thriller to be released this summer
See the making of the game!
The Chilean Oscar nominee starring Gael Garcia Bernal
Opening Thursday, February 14
Playing Ethan & Lena in the adaptation of the popular book series
Richard Matheson to adapt his own classic 1957 sci-fi novel
Predictions and preview for the weekend of Thursday, February 4
Executive-producing the New York-based Chinese gangster flick
Including video interviews with John Goodman and the filmmakers
From the New York event
Daniel Day-Lewis, Anne Hathaway, Emmanuelle Riva & Christoph Waltz also honored
The director of Snitch and Felon has been keeping busy
Includes new toys for Iron Man 3 & Star Trek Into Darkness
Ben Mendelsohn also reunites with Gosling for directorial debut
With another possible tidbit about his follow-up to Up
Two April releases that hope to refresh franchises
All three movies to be released by Sony Pictures Classics this summer
The Lords of Salem, You're Next and seven others
New comedy from Justin Reardon announced