And how is Seth Rogen involved?
Could we see Blofeld or SPECTRE in an upcoming movie?
Six-episode finale will wrap up the drama series
Starring Jamie Denbo & Jessica Chaffin
The sci-fi romance co-starring Rachel McAdams
The new movie from the director of Little Children
Opening Friday, November 15
Predictions and preview for the weekend of November 15, 2013
Opening Friday, November 8
Talking Prince Avalanche and Joe with the diversified indie pioneer
Talking about Prince Avalanche
Opens #1 domestically with $86.1 million
Drama to open theatrically in 2014
Looking to top $80 million its opening weekend
Talking about making the first Western 3D samurai epic
The actor talks about his hilarious directorial debut
Ensemble cast includes Neeson, Brody, Franco, Wilde, Kunis and Bello
Opening Friday, November 8 - Review 2
Predictions and preview for the weekend of Friday, November 8
Playing Kai in the Western retelling of the Japanese classic