Starring in the gritty, fast-paced action thriller
Starring in the gritty, fast-paced action thriller
Opening Friday, December 28th
Interviews with the production team from the Prague set
$31 million over the four-day holiday weekend!
From the set of Prince Caspian
From the Prague set of the Narnia sequel
From the set of Prince Caspian
From the set of Prince Caspian
Opening Friday, September 7
On its way to a new Labor Day record
Opening Friday, August 31
The Hunting Party, The Brave One, Iron Man and more!
Opening Friday, August 31
Michael Brandt and Derek Haas on adapting the Western
Opening Friday, August 31
Talking about his version of John Carpenter's Halloween
Weekend preview and box office predictions
Star Wars creator's WWII action-adventure gets a writer
Joins Jamie Foxx in the based-on-a-true-story