Following their award-nominated score for The Social Network
Starring in Alejandro Iñárritu's Spanish drama Biutiful
Seth Rogen's take on end-of-world horror ala The Mist
Opening Friday, January 7
Directors, screenplay, Best Picture and more
Starring with Ryan Gosling in Derek Cianfrance's Blue Valentine
Season of the Witch, Country Strong, If I Want to Whistle...
Veteran Oscar-nominated actor succumbs to cancer
But Universal comedy wins with $26.3 million
"With Exclusive Green Display Stand"
States she knows nothing about either
Although it might not be his next film
EW's First Look at Water for Elephants
Many new actors rumored to join Andrew Dominik's crime-thriller
All of the contenders in the Academy's acting categories
And Eastwood may have confirmed Charlize Theron's casting
Boy, did we sit through some stinkers or what?
The new haunted house flick from the creators of Saw
Opening Wednesday, December 29
The new haunted house flick from the creators of Saw