Brutal revenge thriller from the man behind A Tale of Two Sisters
Brutal revenge thriller from the man behind A Tale of Two Sisters
On the set of Zack Snyder's new action fantasy
The director is always the busiest guy on any movie set, because they’re always either in the middle of filming…
As she approaches her 40th year on earth, actress Carla Gugino really has it all–diversified acting chops, brains and a…
Probably the casting that has caused the most headscratching among Zack Snyder’s fans is that of Vanessa Hudgens, loved by…
Opening Friday, March 4
A pioneer of low-budget digital filmmaking
Opening Friday, March 4
Hopes to start shooting the Liam Neeson action-thriller in August
The Hurt Locker star tackles New York-based science fiction
"It's going to be a much more natural gritty, grounded fantasy movie"
Who will win on Sunday in all 24 categories
Hall Pass, Drive Angry 3D, Of Gods and Men
Kiefer Sutherland still confident it will happen
Now will get a pre-Thanksgiving release
Potentially had found financing for The Magician's Nephew
Jorge Michel Grau's Mexican cannibal thriller
Opening Friday, February 18
Starring in WWE Studios' The Chaperone