A diverse slate of films we hope to see
Oscar-nominated actor Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away at the age of 54, according to his fianc
Oscar-nominated actor succumbs to after-effects of heart attack
Avengers & Dark Knight hit worldwide milestones
Albert Hughes revenge drama starring Gerard Butler
Based on the Blacklist winning comedy screenplay
What movies and studios won the summer?
Predictions and preview for Labor Day weekend on Friday, August 31
Opening Friday, August 31
Opening Wednesday, August 29
The fast-paced bike messenger action-thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He's involved with one of those find out which
Predictions and preview for the weekend of Friday, August 24
Baraka's Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson on the follow-up
Plus Mini-Reviews of Sleepwalk With Me and Teddy Bear
Box office up 30% from the same weekend in 2011
To be scored by Bruce ("The Way It Is") Hornsby
Opening Friday, August 24
Ryan Fleck & Anna Boden, Peyton Reed also in consideration
Shinji Aramaki, Edward Neumeier and Casper Van Dien