John Carpenter’s version of VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED comes to Blu-ray. Loyal fans of horror master John Carpenter are…
SHOCK splats out 9 shots from the 1977 gore classic THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN. Before the word splatter was officially…
SHOCK reviews the masterful 1982 German drama THE FAN. There have been a wealth of movies that exploit starry-eyed teenage…
James Bickert’s FRANKENSTEIN CREATED BIKERS to premiere at legendary Canadian exploitation festival. As we reported here earlier, contemporary exploitation film guru…
UK-based teacher, actor, musician and fearful film enthusiast Nigel Parkin ongoing column charting sexual perversion in classic horror films. Lucio…
Filmmaker Jovanka Vuckovic opens new tattoo parlor/art gallery and spotlights Clive Barker. When Jovanka Vuckovic left her position as editor…
Part four of our series of interviews with horror and cult filmmaker Gary A. Sherman. Two weeks ago SHOCK ran…
WE GO ON to have world premiere at California film festival. YELLOWBRICKROAD writer/directors Jesse Holland and Andy Mitton’s eerie new…
More words from BONE TOMAHAWK writer/director S.Craig Zahler. BONE TOMAHAWK helmer, musician, novelist, writer and now director S. Craig Zahler, has…
SHOCK examines 10 amazing horror novels that were (often controversially) adapted to film. This debate always occurs among rabid horror…
An ongoing series looking at fantastic prologues from classic and contemporary horror movies. There are many love stories born and…
THE WALKING DEAD heats up in this time jumping episode. There’s been a time jump ahead since Carl getting shot…
Movie junkie Jessie Robbins picks a fright flick for a Saturday night. Spring may not be too far away, but…
Saddle up for this splattery clip from new gore western KILL OR BE KILLED. Writer/directors Duane Graves and Justin Meeks…
Arrow Video’s Blu-ray of Bava near-miss reviewed. Arrows gradual roll-out of Mario Bavas catalog continues with the curious giallo, FIVE…
Indie arthouse exploitation film UPSIDEDOWN CROSS is an effective psychodrama. With the advent of accessible video technology, many indie filmmakers…
Author and HELLRAISER II star Barbie Wilde talks to SHOCK. This writer has been raving about the written word of…
Toronto cult flick video store owner Luis Ceriz tells tales from his over 2 decades running the legendary SUSPECT Video.…
THE WITCH is folk-horror heaven. The following is a review we originally ran out of the 2015 Sundance Film Festival,…
Canadian horror screening collective announces March film fest lineup. As we’ve discussed before, the historical Canadian city of Hamilton (located…