The 5 Best Moments from PBS’ Popular Series Poldark
When Poldark hit the airways in 2015, viewers were immediately captivated by its sweeping romance and shocking plot twists. The show tells the story of a titular hero, Ross, his wife Demelza, and his former love Elizabeth. As they struggle to survive in an 18th century Cornish mining town, fortunes are made, love blossoms, and class struggles abound. This show touched on everything from the romantic to the tragic.
Ross Comes Back From the Dead
In the first episode of Poldark, Ross returns to his hometown after a long stint fighting in the American War of Independence. He had been gone for so many years that his family and friends believed him to be dead. Ross’s happy homecoming is ruined, however, when he realizes his former beau, Elizabeth, is now engaged to his cousin Francis. Ross, ever the brooding hero, is torn apart by this discovery, but he refuses to beg Elizabeth to take him back.
Ross and Demelza Marry
Though Ross is still in love with Elizabeth, he can’t help but be won over by Demelza, his plucky red-haired scullery maid. While Ross and Demelza come from different social classes, he decides to marry her after a night of romance. They exchange hasty vows at the local church, and then Ross carries his new bride home as the sun sets over the sea.

Ross Is Found Not Guilty
At the beginning of the second season, Ross is put on trial for plundering a wrecked cargo ship. Though George Warleggan works behind the scenes to ensure Ross receives a guilty verdict, his schemes aren’t successful. Ross is found innocent of all charges, and he is allowed to return home with Demelza.
Ross and Elizabeth Give Into Their Passion
Though Ross marries Demelza, his long-simmering lust for Elizabeth never quite dies. Ross helps Elizabeth after the death of her husband Francis, but he becomes enraged when he discovers that Elizabeth is going to marry his rival, George Warleggan. Heated words are exchanged, and they finally give into their mutual attraction. Ross is ashamed of his actions, as he now loves Demelza, and slinks home the next morning.
Demelza Punches Ross
When Ross finally returns home, Demelza is waiting for him. He gives her a meager apology, but the strong-willed Demelza won’t hear it. Instead of forgiving him, she punches him in the face. Ross falls to the ground, seemingly shocked by his wife’s strength.
What Comes Next?
The second season of Poldark ends with Ross and Demelza finally reunited after Ross saves her from a violent attack on Trenwith. Elizabeth is married to George but is pregnant with Ross’s child. The third season is set to premiere on PBS on October 1, 2017. There’s sure to be plenty of drama in store!
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