Probably one of our bigger general regrets from this year’s TIFF is that we haven’t been able to see as many of the “Midnight Madness” movies as we would have liked. Programmed by the jovial Colin Geddes, one of the programmers at TIFF who really gets how genre works as well as appreciates the support of online journalists attending the fest, “Midnight Madness” premieres some of the best genre films in the world mostly to the rabid crowd of fans who have decided to stay up late with like-minded individuals at the Ryerson University theater. Since we tend to do early morning screenings, we can’t stay up that late, which is why we hadn’t seen a single “Midnight Madness” movie at this year’s TIFF.
On our very last full day in Toronto, we decided to make up for that by seeing three of the movies showcased in “Midnight Madness” – Doug Aarniokoski’s The Day, Eduardo Sanchez’s Lovely Molly, and Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett’s You’re Next, the latter which had been getting huge buzz at the festival and many raves from our colleagues. Each of these three explore a different subgenre of horror although oddly, they all involve home invaders of sorts, and we were only barely impressed with one of the three we saw.
You can read our full reviews of all three movies over on ShockTillYouDrop.com.