The girls are packing up Kappa house, as this is the last night before the campus shuts down. Chanel is excited because Chad gave her a silver turkey wishbone necklace as a way of inviting her to his familys compound (which may or may not be haunted) for Thanksgiving. Every girl who has gotten the wishbone necklace has gotten an engagement ring by Christmas, so she doesnt care about school shutting down. The sorority was just a way for her to find a cute, rich guy to marry; now that she has that, she doesnt care.
As the Chanels are packing, #3 admits that she ran into Boone on campus. His beard disguise had fallen off, and she thinks he is a ghost, back to get revenge. She is scared, and for whatever reason, Denise gathers the girls around to tell ghost stories. Her theory is that, whenever something scares her, she tells a ghost story so that she can be afraid of that instead of something real. In other words, this is mostly just another time-waster. She tells a couple of Japanese ghost stories, both having to do with killers in the bathroom. When she goes to the bathroom later that night, one of them comes true: she is given the option of red toilet paper or blue. Red means she will have her throat slashed; blue means she will be strangled to death. She doesnt have to: the Red Devil pops over the stall door and attacks. They explode out of the stall and Denise crawls away.
Denise goes straight to the Chanels to warn them, but rather than getting the hell out of the house, Denise needs another ghost story. She locks the girls in the room, and Hester volunteers a story. It is an old campfire story, in which a girl is driving home when a killer escapes from an asylum. A truck is following her and honks and flashes its lights. When the girl gets to a gas station, she begs for help, thinking the truck is trying to kill her, but in reality he was just trying to warn her that the killer was in the backseat. The Chanels dont really get it, but Denise is calm now and unlocks the door. #5 leaves; the others decide to wait to see if the Red Devil is gone.

SHOCK recaps last night’s SCREAM QUEEN episode.
Boone visits Chad, who believes Boone is actually a ghost. Boone says he is there to take Zayday on a date. If he sleeps with her, he gets to stay on earth. Zayday is back at her room, packing and making out with Earl Grey. He runs home to get his lotions and champagne and other lovemaking gear. No sooner is Earl Grey gone does Boone climb through the window and tries to seduce her with his ghost story. Zayday doesnt buy it for a second. She knows he faked his death and recognizes a scar on his hand from where she forked him. She knows he is the Red Devil. Grace comes in and joins Zayday in trying to restrain Boone. He pulls away and falls out the window. They rush to check on him – but he is gone. The girls rush to tell the Chanels.
This news only furthers #5s determination to leave. As she struggles with her luggage outside, Earl Grey returns and is attacked by the Red Devil. He is stabbed in the back, quick and easy, and reveals himself as Boone before he dies. Chanel #5 misses all of this and drives home. She basically becomes Hesters ghost story: an announcement on the radio that Boone is wanted for being the Red Devil killer; a truck honking and flashing its lights; she pulls off into a gas station, where the truck driver insists he was trying to save her from a killer in the backseat. There is no killer – because the Red Devil kills the trucker. #5 drives back to school, screaming the whole way.
Back at the Kappa house, Zayday is upset over Earl Greys death; #5 is wailing that no one is comforting her; #3 still thinks Boone is a ghost; and Grace thinks Boone is the bathtub baby. Hester, mad about Chanel being invited to Chads compound, marches in and announces she is pregnant with Chads child. Joining the sorority, stealing the pretty girls boyfriend, it was all vengeance against rich girls everywhere who teased her. When Chanel confronts Chad, he admits that he screwed up and now I guess I have to marry her now. He still wants Chanel to be his piece on the side. What a romantic. Chanel flips out and will not tolerate this. She wants Chad to pay, big time. Chad thinks this is a threat and asks if she is the killer. I guess well see, she teases.

The incompetent detective has returned to Kappa house and is talking with Zayday about Earl Grey. She is frustrated and the detective finally admits that he thinks the killer is a ghost. He brought in someone from the Department Of Paranormal Exploration (D.O.P.E.) in investigate. Zayday blames the dean for not doing more to stop the killer and storms upstairs, Grace close behind. The dean follows them to their room, but assures them she is not there to apologize; she is there to tell them all she knows about the bathtub baby. There were actually two: a boy and a girl, twins. The mother expelled a death rattle so loud and fierce she expelled a second baby (or, you know, birthed it because it had to come out). The dean would bet that Boone was the boy baby, and the one girl with any compassion took them home. That is all the dean knows.
Boone is certainly one of the bathtub babies. He is hanging out with the third Red Devil, almost certainly his sister, while they wait for Gigi to arrive. She does, and is furious with Boone for nearly ruining a twenty-year plan. Boone pulls the old Youre not my mother and We are grownups, we are done taking orders from you plays. The Red Devil raises the knife – but she kills Boone instead of Gigi.
Chanel gathers #3 and #5. She needs their help to kill Hester as her revenge for stealing her future husband. They lure Hester into the closet with the promise of free clothes, then get her to drink sushi, soft cheese, and champagne, three things you arent supposed to consume while pregnant. They accuse her of lying about the pregnancy and have a dozen pregnancy tests for her to take. Hester admits she is lying, but doesnt care. She is going to Chads house where she will have plenty of opportunities to get pregnant. She leaves and Chanel chases after her, stopping her with an apology. From the moment Hester arrived, Chanel knew that Hester would be the one who took everything away from her. Hester is touched and goes back to Chanel. Really? No. Chanel pushes her down the huge staircase. Hester ends up in a dead heap at the bottom. Lets get her into the meat locker.