Its easy to get wrapped up in a horror movie when the characters are making bad decisions. They run upstairs when they should run outside, they go to check on a noise when you know they shouldnt. Its an endless cycle of poor planning. With Until Dawn, youre in the middle of a horror movie, and youre the one making the decisions, and everything you do effects how the game will play out.
The Until Dawn demo began explaining the controls, which are simple enough. Walk with the L stick, inspect objects with R2, and make your decisions with the right stick. To speed things along, events were simulated up until that point, events that included the group of teenagers arriving at their cabin in the woods, finding a severed pig head on a spike with a sign reading Welcome Back (perhaps a sly nod to the games replayability?), and then running into two of our blood-soaked friends, going on and on about a killer.
After that, the two characters I was playing as, Mike and Emily, found themselves cornered on a cliff by a pack of wild elk. Its hard to tell if they were just normal elk or supernatural elkthey did have green eyes, and were trying to force me over the edgewhich perhaps is where some of the smart planning of Until Dawn comes in. Everything is part of the scare experience. Though I tried to walk through the crowd of deer, one of the more rambunctious ones forced me over the side, where my decision making began. Should I jump up or climb left? I jumped up, where I was immediately prompted to press another button to grab the ledge. Its quick too; you have maybe a second to press whichever button flashes on screen. Mess up and youre gonna fall to your doom.
Once I managed to get back up the cliff, we walked over to a hillside, towards a park ranger tower. The gameplay at this moment feels a lot like the original Resident Evil games, shifting camera angles and slow moving protagonists, plus items of interest get a nice glitter to them in the distance. After being startled by a motion sensor light, we ascended the towers multiple levels and the cold wind continued to snap across our faces. Once we got to the top, we found the power to be out, despite the motion sensor light working at the bottom. I walked around and flipped a breaker switch and began to call for help. Naturally, the receiver on the other end couldnt understand my pleading screams. Following three attempts to explain what was going on, he finally understood, which is when the killer began banging on the door.
Honestly, in that moment, I didnt know what to do. Its also indicative of maybe the major problem with Until Dawn, though it hinges on player choice and participation, you still dont have total control over your characters movements and actions at all times, only when prompted. The killer eventually got wise and decided to just force us out by snapping the support cables of the tower, which made us fall into a nearby mine. Down in the mine, Emily was pretty frantic, and though my attempts at saving her failed, I wasnt ready to give up. In lieu of trying to reach for her arm again, I jumped to a nearby clearing, but that was a bad decision. The tower tumbled after my own shift and fell even further down into the mine.
Emily definitely didnt make it.
Until Dawn is not for everyone, but it is for me. The game is a living horror movie. Its an extended version of a slasher, warts and all. I cant tell if it was a conscious choice to have hamfisted overacting and corny dialogue, or if it was just a product of making this type of scenario. Its definitely cheesy at times. Visually, Until Dawn has its moments, though some environments look better than others. Its a fun little game that certainly had me on the edge of my seat. Hopefully it can sustain that tension for the entire play through and not go stale.
Until Dawn 2015
Until Dawn 2015 #1
Until Dawn 2015 #2
Until Dawn 2015 #3
Until Dawn 2015 #4
Until Dawn 2015 #5
Until Dawn 2015 #6
Until Dawn 2015 #7
Until Dawn 2015 #8