Synopsis: Set in the turbulent late sixties, the film tells the story of a brilliant scientist Dr. Alan Cartwright who strikes a deal with the military that will give him all the resources he needs to finalize his work in exchange for what he later learns is a price all mankind will have to pay.
I feel carrying on my dads legacy is something that I not only want to do, but its something I HAVE to do, says Cameron Romero. because I, like all my dads fans, was raised on his creation. Producer Darrin Reed (Lila and Eve) said The origin story deserves to be told by someone who passionately loves and has a unique insight into the original movie and nobody has that more than Georges own son.
The goal for the initial campaign is $150,000 which will cover pre-production costs. The campaign will run for 30 days is has begun. You can check out the details and contribute at