Horror Comics Weekly: Nightbreed, Outcast, Baltimore & Drumhellar

Turned out to be a pretty solid week. While Nightbreed and Drumhellar are both still very readable and interesting, some plot points need to move forward to keep us hooked. Outcast proves that Kirkman is a titan of dialogue and the new Mignola product is another winner this week in comics.

 Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #3


Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Piotr Kowalski

Published by Boom! Studios

Usually with issue three into a new series, you have a pretty clear idea of things that are going on. Not so much with Nightbreed. Keep in mind, this by no means that it isn’t a good comic, it has some classic Barker moments and a couple of cool demons.

That being sad, the actual meat of this story still hasn’t really made itself present. We are introduced to two more demons and a whole lot of history in the middle of a monologue, it’s all interesting but does little to give us a plot thread.

It seems like we’re dancing around the main issue and getting allusions to where the comic is headed but nothing to really grip onto. Andreyko does a great job at nailing the spirit of Barker and Kowalski is solid, sometimes similar to the great Steve Dillon, yet the series hasn’t really hit its stride yet.

 Outcast #2

Outcast #2

Written by Robert Kirkman

Art by Paul Azaceta

Published by Image Comics

This is one hell of an intriguing comic. In this issue we get in the head of our lead Kyle as well as learning much more about his background and history. The art and coloring are fantastic, nothing but atmosphere and mood in these well placed panels, and it’s clear that Azaceta and inker Elizabeth Breitweiser are as essentially to this wonderful tandem as Kirkman is.

Kirkman really shows his writing chops off in this issue.

No demon activity is seen, although a new malevolent force is presented, but from pure character interaction between Kyle and the priest, an enemy from his past, and his exes new man, this comic is pure gold. Evil lurks in the backdrop of every page and in spite of such a supernatural backdrop, everyone seems so entirely grounded. It’s easy to see why this comic is doing so well.

 Baltimore: The Witch of Harju #1

Baltimore: The Witch of Haru

Written by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden

Art by Peter Bergting

Published by Dark Horse Comics

MIke Mignola is the king of classic horror. It must be said. You would be hard pressed to find anyone in any other medium who can capture the magic of Eastern folklore like he does and it translates to the comic book page almost perfectly anytime he writes.

Baltimore is no exception.

Introduced a few years back in another mini, he a monster hunter with a crew who tracks down all manners of the creatures. In this tale, we are introduced to their vision of zombies. But as you can expect now from anything Mignola does, it’s not quite that simple. Bad omens and hints of witchcraft are plentiful and we are a given a concrete foundation to what promises to be an entertaining run.  

Peter Bergtin does a good job at capturing the essence of Mignola’s trademark brushstrokes, though it’s not as masterful at capturing the truly gloomy atmosphere, but is nonetheless a solid big for this classic zombie romp with a European twist.

 Drumhellar #7


Story by Riley Rossmo

Written by Alex Link

Art by Riley Rossmo

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Drumhellar is a beautiful comic. Rossmo just does some magic with his pencil and his pens, the coloring, shading, outlines, everything is gorgeous. But man is it weird.

Drum decides to investigate a crime scene he saw in his vision and afterwards goes shrooming while Harold, the ever present floating pink cat, turns himself into a deer and runs into mask-wearing homicidal children in the woods.

This is a real storyline.

Yes, it’s intriguing. And yes, it’s gorgeous. But sometimes I just wish that Drumhellar was a little more straightforward with its plots.

We start diving in the past of Harold, which is great, and these little maniacs are truly creepy, but it’s so the stories get so twisted that sometimes it’s hard to unravel. Hopefully next issue ties things together but issue seven is beautiful to look at, even with a ton of batshit crazy supernatural shenanigans going on.


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