Scream Factory to Bring The Squad Home

The SquadJaime Osorio Marquez’s The Squad – a Colombian horror film that made the festival rounds in 2011 – is coming to the U.S. courtesy of Scream Factory this fall on October 21st.

In the foggy mountains of Colombia, nine soldiers trudge through muddy terrain in search of an outpost that they believe has been invaded by guerrillas.

As they approach their target, one of them is brutally injured, forcing them to prematurely enter the base instead of waiting for backup. Once inside, they’re greeted a pile of dead bodies and a series of ritualistic markings meant to ward off the devil. After discovering a lone, traumatized survivor and a cryptic event log, the men wait, sifting through their own differences with each other.

Trapped, confused and cut off from the outside world, they begin to feel the strain of isolation closing in around them.

They’ll grasp at anything to resolve what happened there and what is going to happen to them.

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