One on One With Drive Angry’s Amber Heard

This girl doesn’t take any sh*t

Actress Amber Heard is no stranger around these parts. She caught our attention with All the Boys Love Mandy Lane and she’s dabbled in the horror-thriller genre ever since. This year, we’ll see her in John Carpenter’s The Ward and the February 25 release Drive Angry (review). In the latter, she plays Piper, a tough-as-nails gal caught up in a hellish ride of revenge with Nicolas Cage’s John Milton. Heard gave Shock a call from London where she was promoting the film, let’s jump right on in to our chat…

Amber Heard: This is, by far, one of the coolest characters I’ve ever had to take on. Because I’m from Texas, the cars, the guns, I can’t get enough of it. I’m working with a good writer, a good director, Nic Cage, all of these amazing people.

Shock: I’m convinced if Todd Farmer was a woman, Piper might be it…

Heard: [laughs] It’s funny, because he was great in the movie. He puts himself literally “out there,” which I loved. He’s my boyfriend in the movie and I get to kick his ass and I hope I did a good job with that. He’s such a good writer. I’m blown away by the characters he wrote. Because I am in this business and I read so many scripts, you would not believe how rare it is to read such a well-rounded – well, I don’t know if I’d call Piper that – such a real character. Piper’s a character with different layers. She’s a swearing, cowboy boot-wearing, chain-smoking, punch-throwing, Charger-driving motherf**ker, but she carries the heart of the film. I’m thankful I found Todd.

Shock: Did you get the “type” of movie Patrick and Todd were going for right off the bat when the script was sent to you?

Heard: I learned pretty quickly what kind of movie it was. Luckily, I got it. [laughs] There’s a stylized nature to the film and I caught on to that.

Yeah, he’s so great. Nic is a true pro and I quickly realized why he’s so good at his job. He brings more to the classic hero role. I like to think he’s the perfect mix between Zen and crazy. [laughs] A perfect mix of the two.

Shock: And what about yourself? What are you the perfect mix of?

Heard: [laughs] I’m the perfect mix of my character Piper and the lady you see on the red carpet. That’s a good way to describe me.

Shock: Did you find yourself with a finer appreciation for American muscle cars when you were done with this film?

Heard: Please! I was obsessed with muscle cars long before I met Patrick and Todd. I drive a ‘68 Mustang around L.A., that’s my main ride. I have always been into classic cars – late ‘60s/early-’70s American made muscle cars.

Shock: Nice! So, I’m guessing any time you were behind the wheel of a car was your favorite time on set?

Heard: Everything was fun! I’m jumping out of an RV, driven by a Satanic cult, onto a ‘69 Charger, I find myself in situations like that and it’s hard to rank them. I enjoyed the fight with Todd, because it was well-choreographed. Plus, it wasn’t about dodging bullets. There was more to it, which was catching my boyfriend with another girl. That’s the moment we meet Nic Cage’s character. It’s also the start of the movie and the first scene of the movie as well.

Shock: Including Cage, you’re surrounded by a ton of bad-ass character actors…

Heard: William Fichtner was the surprise element for me. His performance was underplayed on set, but on screen it really comes out, he’s one of my favorite parts of the movie. And I love David Morse…

Shock: Have you met women who are 100% Piper?

Heard: You know, that’s the funny thing. I think this movie was initially designed for the male audience, because my character is so strong, she doesn’t fall into the usual traps you see a female character in. She’ll be exciting for the female audience. Women are going to love it.

Shock: You’re rapidly ascending through this business. Are you going to get too big for the genre or, if the material’s strong enough, would you be willing to return to horror?

Heard: Yes, I’m always open for a good role!

Shock: Then I’m sure we’ll be talking again in the future, thanks for the call!

To hear what the actress had to say about her upcoming gig, Playboy, follow this link.

Source: Ryan Turek, Managing Editor

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