Penance Clip: The Most Brutal Scene Ever?

Going to slap a big NSFW on this one

Days of Darkness director Jake Kennedy’s latest endeavor Penance is now available on DVD and he was kind (?!) enough to pass along what’s being touted as “the most outrageously brutal scene in movie history.”

Is it? Judge for yourself by clicking on the player below and watch leading man Graham McTavish perform a bit of self mutilation that would make Ellen Page in Hard Candy grin.

Marieh Delfino (Jeepers Creepers 2) and Eve Mauro (Wicked Lake) also star. They play a pair of strippers who get invited to a private party unaware that it’s presided over by a maniac (McTavish). The clip tells you how and where you can obtain Penance, so hang in there.

Source: Shock Till You Drop


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