Dishes details on Dark Castle flick
In describing The Hills Run Red, Australian actress Sophie Monk tells Shock, “It’s not so much ‘boo!’ scary, it’s really disturbing. It leaves your mouth open. It plays with incestuous stuff which is really wrong but it was needed in the movie.” How’s that? She laughs. “Well, to show how messed up this character is, her childhood makes sense and she’s trapped into this belief that it’s okay. Then there’s a character who gets raped, and yeah, there’s lots of killing. Some shocking bits, too.”
Monk stars alongside Tad Hilgenbrink, Janet Montgomery and William Sandler in this Dark Castle effort directed by Dave Parker.
“I play Alexa,” Monk explains. “She’s crazy and starts off lost as a heroine addict. This guy comes in aspiring to clean her up and stuff like that.” She joins Hilgenbrink’s Tyler in his quest for an unfinished slasher film. “I was in the film as a child, and Tad is a bit obsessed with me being in this movie.”
The actress believes this is a big role for her, one that pulled her through a rigorous emotional gymnastics. Very bipolar, as she explains it. Dragging her through the ups and downs was Parker, who she says had some fun in introducing her to the film’s killer “Babyface.”
“He didn’t show the killer to me until we did the take,” she whimpers. “I was like…trying to say my line. Dave really built it up, too. So to see it face-to-face was freaky. The actor [playing Babyface] was so soft and sweet.”
Monk will also be seen in Pearblossom with Grindhouse‘s Electra Avellan and Scout Taylor-Compton of Halloween. “[That movie] warmed me up for this one – just being evil, it’s…well, I probably shouldn’t say that.” No, don’t mind us. Do go on. “It’s a different thing for me ’cause I sometimes play ditzy or fun stuff. This was a big role for me.”
You’ll find Monk facing killers, incest, notorious horror films and more when The Hills Run Red hits DVD in 2009.