EXCL: John Farris Talks The Fury Remake

Now in development at Fox 2000

On May 13th, author John Farris concluded what he began in 1976’s The Fury with his latest novel Avenging Fury. In the 32-year span from start to finish he also penned the two installments The Fury and the Terror and The Fury and the Power. That’s a whole lot of Fury and more than enough for Farris who says he’s fine with stepping away from the recently announced Fox 2000 remake of Brian DePalma’s 1978 adaptation starring Kirk Douglas, John Cassavetes, Amy Irvin and Andrew Stevens.

“They didn’t come to me with this, please,” Farris says with a grin after signing copies of Avenging Fury during a signing at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, California. “Enough is enough, I have no interest after doing three books.”

Redux producer Ted Field has enlisted writers Brian McGreevy and Lee Shipman to tackle Farris’ story of a psychic named Robin Sandza and the government agency that hopes to tap his powers for weapons potential.

“These two guys are apparently great screenwriters,” says Farris. “I haven’t read their take yet, but it got the green light pretty fast. They nailed the concept that Fox 2000 liked a lot. I have high hopes for it. Whether it turns out good or not, we’ll see. It would be nice if it was a really good movie.”

Farris believes there’s plenty of promise in an update given the material in the novel that was left out of DePalma’s film, not to mention the massive evolution in special effects since ’78. “The budget for the remake is certainly big enough to support a good movie. An approach to make Robin the foremost in the movie would be good because, in the original Fury, there’s so much good material dealing with him in the book they can mine it any way they want and use it as a departure point.”

And for fans of Farris’ literary sequels, he says there are plans right now to develop those into a television series, “Which I will also not having anything to do with. That’s fine with me.”

Source: Ryan Rotten


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