‘The Hitcher’ Movie Review (2007)

Yet another film tries to venture into the realm of the horror remake. Following in the footsteps of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of Wax and The Amityville Horror comes The Hitcher and if I were to compare it to those three films it certainly comes out on top. While there may be a few logic issues, a bit of cheese and some dialogue that is almost shocking it makes it into the film this is a fun movie and a hell of a ride.

Some fans may be a bit negative toward this film from the outset since the 1986 film starring Rutger Hauer as the loner on the highway is considered such a classic by horror buffs. Luckily Sean Bean has just the right amount of star power to legitimize the role and his prey, Grace (Sophia Bush) and Jim (Zachary Knighton), have just the right looks and acting abilities to keep you focused on the story and not the silly antics of those being chased.

The story is simple as it centers on Grace and Jim as they are heading to Lake Havasu for spring break. On the way they drive through a torrential downpour and almost hit John Ryder (Sean Bean) who is standing almost in the middle of the road. After a moment’s thought they flee the scene a bit wary of the stranger in the rain. Just down the road, making a pit stop at a secluded gas station, Ryder is dropped off by a truck driver and asks Jim for a short ride to the next town. This is where Jim and Grace’s fate takes a turn for the worse as Jim agrees to the stranger’s request and a whole new world of hurting is introduced.

The Hitcher taps into all the senses a moviegoer could ask for and a lot of that is due to the mysterious persona played by Sean Bean and the balls-to-the-wall directing style of Dave Meyers. Making the leap from music videos, Meyers certainly had an excellent handle on this film as he doesn’t resort to the flash-bang motion we have seen so much of recently with these style of films. He lets the actors tell the story and allows the camera to be an intimate observer. That, and he also throws in a little Nine Inch Nails “Closer” in a cool-as-hell car chase, which really made the movie for me.

Overall, I would definitely suggest you check this movie out. It has scares, gore, Sophia Bush and enough reality to make it quite creepy. Whether you take your date or go with a bunch of friends, any fan of the horror-thriller genre is sure to get a kick out of this flick.

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