Nine Clips from ‘Watchmen’

Well folks, here’s your chance to watch 8:53 of Watchmen as I have added nine clips from the film to the site. Buzz from the geek community is good and buzz from the other side has been… not so good, but the official verdict is still out as embargoes are still in place and we still haven’t heard from the majority of voices that actually count.

For now, we can just wait for the March 6 release date and for those of you that can’t even do that you now have nine other ways to make up the time.

Below are the links to the nine clips I have just added, give one a click and the rest will follow.

  1. Dr. Manhattan can’t be everywhere
  2. The future looks a little bit darker
  3. We can save this world
  4. Attention Citizens
  5. Our days are numbered
  6. Don’t leave me!
  7. Superman exists and he is American (featured below)
  8. Rescue
  9. We can break into Pyramid
Movie News
Marvel and DC