UPDATE: Here’s the ‘Cloverfield’ Monster’s Water Landing

UPDATE: Okay, apparently the site I linked to below and the images it contains are apparently peeks at the discover/disturbing of the Cloverfield monster of which I show landing in the water on Page 2 of this article. You may remember the video of the monster attacking an oil rig. Well, the pics are apparently subs from the company that owns the rig discovering the monster. [source]

Oh, and just so you know, this appears to all be legit.

I am sure many of you have heard folks say, “What was that that landed in the water at the end of the movie?”

Well, I heard it, but my dumb ass didn’t do anything about it… until now.

Dre pointed out to me where I could see the monster from Cloverfield come hurtling down into the water during the final moments of Cloverfield and yes, it is quite clear. This isn’t the ghost in Three Men and a Baby scenario, it actually exists and there is no reason for it to exist unless the filmmakers wanted to prove this was some sort of space alien.

Where did it come from? Well, perhaps the images from this site (Username: alysehanssen Password: 11112014349) give some indication. However, if you want to see the monster land for yourself simply hit the “Next Page” button below for the animated GIF action.

I would have put it on this page of the article, but it is a rather large image file and I didn’t want the page to take forever to load.

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