A new Star Wars character has been revealed on the second Shattered Empire cover!
In the latest Star Wars news, the official Star Wars website just revealed the cover for Star Wars: Shattered Empire issue two. The upcoming Marvel series is set to canonically bridge the gap between Return of the Jedi and December’s The Force Awakens. As you can see from the above image (or the full version below), there seems to be a mystery woman front and center.
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” the official site teases. “It’s been said very often. But the one above feels more like a thousand questions. Who is that standing beside the starship that resembles an A-Wing? Is she a Jedi? A friend to the Rebels? It’s a safe bet bounty hunters continued offering their services after the collapse of the Empire…The First Order is still decades away, and it’s safe to assume Luke, Han, and Leia have a lot on their plate after overthrowing the governing force that controlled the galaxy.”
Although the series proclaims itself the “Journey to ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens,'” there’s no guarantee that this mystery woman will actually have any direct ties to the upcoming film. That being said, the book should hit the stands in November, just prior to The Force Awakens‘ December 18 release.
The Shattered Empire cover is illustrated by series artist Marco Checchetto. Greg Rucka is scripting.
Directed by J.J. Abrams, Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie, Crystal Clarke, Pip Anderson, Christina Chong and Miltos Yerolemou.
It will be followed on December 16, 2016 by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Episode VIII on May 26, 2017, and the Han Solo anthology movie on May 25, 2018. No release dates have been announced for Star Wars: Episode IX and the third anthology movie.
Who do you think this new Star Wars character is? Will she have ties to the new film? Share your speculation in the comments below!