A Mouse Tale is a Peruvian-Argentine animated movie released on October 11, 2012 in Peru. David Bisbano is the co-writer and director of the film. The story is centered around two mice who want to save their kingdom from wicked rats. To do that, they go on an adventure to a place where no one is supposed to go.
Here’s how you can watch and stream A Mouse Tale via streaming services such as Starz.
Is A Mouse Tale available to watch via streaming?
Yes, A Mouse Tale is available to watch via streaming on Satrz.
The film tells the story of a wizard’s apprentice named Edam and his friend Brie the mouse. They team up with the kingdom’s best fighters for an adventurous journey. On the journey, they face dangerous challenges as they seek powerful magic to defeat the evil wizard named Rotex-Texor and his rat army, who want to take over Rodenica.
The movie features various actors, including Hernán Bravo as Edam, Natalia Rosminati as Brie, Ricardo Alanis as Roquefort, and Enrique Porcellana as Gruyère.
Watch A Mouse Tale streaming via Starz
A Mouse Tale is available to watch on Starz. Other than this, users can watch many films on the platform, including Repo Men, Angel Eyes, The Road, LUV, and Paper Man.
You can watch via Starz by following these steps:
- Go to Starz.com’s sign-up page.
- Select either the six-month plan or the monthly plan
- The standard rate for the six-month plan is $46, excluding any special offers
- The standard for the monthly plan is $9.99 per month, excluding any special offers
Starz is also available as a Prime Video Channel, meaning that subscribers to the Amazon Prime Video service can also receive discounted access to Starz. The discounts offered vary throughout the year. You can sign up here.
A Mouse Tale synopsis is as follows:
“A magical adventure begins Once upon a time, within a vast and wild forest there was a fantastic Kingdom called Rodencia, a place where wonderful creatures and powerful wizards lived. It’s the story of adventures and love of a small mouse called Edam, a clumsy magician’s apprentice and the beautiful and confident mouse Brie, who will have to face many dangerous obstacles in order to obtain the power of the princess’s tooth and defeat the troop of rats commanded by the evil Rotex who invades Rodencia (the peaceful kingdom of mice), in order to dominate them and take their treasure. In the middle of the forest; the magic of the light and the darkness, the love and resentment will face together. Edam and Rotex will fight and only one will leave victorious.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.