Based on a book series by Canadian author Giles Blunt, Cardinal is a crime drama show. Set in Algonquin Bay, the plot revolves around police detectives John Cardinal and Lise Delorme as they take on complex and troubling cases. The series premiered in Canada on CTV (English) and Super Écran (French) on January 25, 2017. Season 4 originally aired between April 6, 2020, and May 11, 2020. If you are wondering whether there will be a fifth iteration of the show, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all we know about Cardinal Season 5 and whether or not it’s coming out.
Is there a Cardinal Season 5 release date?
There is no Cardinal Season 5 release date, as the series concluded after the fourth season.
The fourth and final season, Until the Night, adapts the sixth and the most recent entry (as of February 2024) in Blunt’s series of novels. During an interview with the Toronto Sun in June 2020, series star Billy Campbell explained why the series had to end after four seasons.
“We’re working with Giles’ books and we’ve already cannibalized all six of them,” the actor said. “So nobody really wants to go off the map as far as that’s concerned. Nobody wants to go out in the wilderness without the maps that Giles’ books have provided us because bad things might begin to happen.” However, Campbell added that if Blunt expanded the book series, he would love to play Cardinal again. “That could work,” he said. “It would work for me.”
The cast includes Billy Campbell as Det. John Cardinal, Karine Vanasse as Det. Lise Delorme, Kristen Thomson as Det. Sgt. Noelle Dyson, Alanna Bale as Kelly Cardinal, Glen Gould as Det. Jerry Commanda, James Downing as Det. Ian McLeod, Zach Smadu as Det. Ash Kular, and more.
Why Cardinal Season 5 isn’t happening
Cardinal Season 5 isn’t coming out because, as mentioned above, the series ended after four seasons. ComingSoon will provide an update if there is any announcement about Cardinal Season 5 in the future.
The official synopsis for Cardinal reads:
“Detective John Cardinal attempts to uncover the mystery of what happened to the missing 13-year-old girl whose body is discovered in the shaft-head of an abandoned mine. At the same time, he comes under investigation by his new partner, Lise Delorme, a tough investigator in her own right.”