Loop is a 2020 American computer-animated short film produced by Walt Disney Studios and Pixar Animation. Loop is the sixth short film of Pixar‘s SparkShorts program and revolves around a non-verbal autistic girl and a chatterbox boy who learn to understand one another. As Loop won the SIGGRAPH 2020 Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater Best in Show-Winning Award in 2021, fans are curious about where they can stream the short film online.
Here’s where you can watch Loop online.
Where can you watch and stream Loop?
You can watch and stream Loop online on Disney Plus.
Loop’s voice cast includes Madison Bandy as Renee, Christiano “Chachi” Delgado as Marcus, and Louis Gonzales as Camp Counselor. Asher Brodkey provides additional voices for additional characters in the film.
How to watch and stream Loop online?
Viewers who want to watch and stream Loop online must subscribe to Disney Plus. This can be done through the Disney Plus application or the Disney Plus website, which can be accessed via any local internet browser. To sign up for Disney Plus, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Open the Disney Plus website or application.
- Click on “SIGN UP NOW”.
- Enter your e-mail address/mobile number.
- Enter your password.
- Choose your subscription plan and make a purchase.
- Click on “START WATCHING” to enjoy your Disney Plus subscription.
Viewers who subscribe to Disney Plus can access Disney’s vast library of films and television shows, including various Marvel Cinematic Universe films, shows and movies set in the Star Wars universe, and documentaries produced by National Geographic. A Disney Plus subscription comes in three tiers of plans:
- A $7.99 ad-supported basic monthly plan.
- A $10.99 ad-free premium monthly plan. Starting from October 12, 2023, this plan will cost $13.99 monthly.
- A $109.99 ad-free yearly premium plan.
The official synopsis for Loop reads:
“A non-verbal, autistic girl and a chatty boy are partnered on a canoeing trip. To complete their journey across an urban lake, they must both learn how the other experiences the world.”
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