DuckTales (1987) was one of the most popular animated television series that is now available to watch and stream online. DuckTales revolves around billionaire Scrooge McDuck and his adventures with his grandnephews. Originally, the kids (Huey, Dewey, and Louie), lived with their uncle Donal Duck but he left them in Scrooge’s care as he joined the Navy. The 1987 TV series aired episodes until 1990.
Here’s where you can watch DuckTales online.
Where can you watch and stream DuckTales (1987)?
You can watch and stream DuckTales on Disney Plus.
The adventurous yet fun animated series is currently available for streaming on Disney Plus via subscription.
Some of the cast who lent their voices to the iconic characters include Alan Young (Scrooge McDuck), Russi Taylor (Huey, Dewey, and Louie), Terry McGovern (Launchpad McQuack), Joan Gerber (Mrs. Beakley), and many more.
How to watch DuckTales (1987) and stream online
DuckTales is available on Disney Plus. To watch and stream the series hassle-free, viewers need to buy a Disney Plus subscription.
The subscription process is simple.
- Go to the Disney Plus website.
- Choose the appropriate subscription plan.
- Fill in the required information and complete the payment.
The most commonly subscribed and affordable plan costs $7.99 a month but it includes ads. To subscribe to an ad-free plan, viewers can go for the $10.99 per month option or the $109.99 a year plan. Once you buy the appropriate plan and subscribe to Disney Plus, you can watch and stream a lot of TV shows and movies from different languages and genres.
The official synopsis for DuckTales reads:
“The globe-trotting treasure-hunting money-making adventures of billionaire Scrooge McDuck and his grandnephews.”
For more Disney Plus updates, check out the streamer’s release schedule for September 2023.