Hulk and Thor Getting New, MCU-Themed Costumes in Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers Gets Batch of New and Old Thor-Themed MCU Skins

Crystal Dynamics is celebrating Thor: Love and Thunder‘s arrival on Disney+ with a whole array of skins from the Thor movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And not only are a few skins from Ragnarok and Love and Thunder returning to the marketplace, Hulk is getting a brand-new set of armor from Thor: Ragnarok.

Crystal Dynamics announced the Hulk costume recently on Twitter, which sees him don a full warrior get-up similar to that of the comic book Planet Hulk. It is 1,400 Credits (around $14). Thor’s Ragnarok and Love and Thunder skins are also back in the marketplace as is Mighty Thor’s getup from Love and Thunder, and these three outfits have been marked down to 700 credits each. All the outfits will be in the marketplace until it updates again on September 15.

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Alongside the new and returning MCU-themed costumes, Crystal Dynamics has also detailed what fans can expect from the two-year anniversary celebration of the game. Any fans who log into the game from September 8 to October 1 will receive a free bundle of items, including:

  • Iron Man’s Outfit inspired by Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2
  • Thor’s Outfit inspired by Marvel Studios’ Thor
  • Captain America’s Outfit inspired by Marvel Studios’ The Avengers
  • One seven-day Hero’s Catalyst
  • One seven-day Fragment Extractor

Other special marketplace sales and bonuses are also currently available until September 15, with big discounts available for a ton of items, as well as some special in-game bonuses.

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The full list of special sales available in the Marketplace are as follows:

  • Our Anniversary Marketplace Sale continues! Enjoy massive discounts until 9/15:
    • 50% Off Hero Card Activations
    • 50% Off Hero Card Skips
    • 50% Off Most MCU Outfits
    • 50% Off Most Non-MCU Outfits
    • 50% Off All Takedowns
    • 50% Off All Emotes
    • 50% Off All Nameplates
  • Special In-Game Bonuses!
    • Loot Frenzy – increased 50% chance of a Loot Frenzy appearing
    • Flashback Cache – increased Flashback Mission rewards
    • Quad XP – stacks with Hero’s Catalysts
    • Double Resources – includes Fragments, Units, & Upgrade Modules, and stacks with increased mission resource rewards
  • Bonus Units for completing missions (these are in addition to the typical amount of Units rewarded, and the bonus stacks with the Double Resources bonus):
    • Drop Zone Bonus Units: +250 Units
    • Vault Bonus Units: +500 Units
    • Event Daily Missions: +500 Units
    • Threat Sector Bonus Units: +500 Units
    • Villain Sector Bonus Units: +500 Units
    • Priority Mission Bonus Units: +500 Units
    • Rise and Shine Bonus Units: +1,000 Units
  • Several Limited-Time Events have been turned on!
    • Cosmic Threat: Active!
    • Tachyon Anomaly: Active!
    • Corrupted Vibranium: Active!
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