Jerry Bruckheimer on Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Beverly Hills Cop and Top Gun

Bloomberg got a chance to sit down with Jerry Bruckheimer and asked the producer about three project he has in development – another Beverly Hills Cop sequel, the Top Gun sequel, and the fifth “Pirates” film, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Bruckheimer says Brett Ratner would direct Eddie Murphy in the new Beverly Hills Cop. “We’re in the process of getting the script finished. Paramount is very excited about making it, Eddie is very excited, Brett Ratner is excited about doing it, so I think we’re moving forward. Hopefully we’ll start end of summer, beginning of fall and get rolling on it. We’re going to take Eddie back to Detroit – he’s going to be in Beverly Hills and we take him to Detroit. So we’re going to have some fun with him, he’s really excited about doing it.”

Regarding the long-in-the-works Top Gun sequel, he said: “Well you know, technology has changed obviously since we made the first one. So I think we’re going to take advantage of what the world is like today, with the drones kinda taking over a lot of our wars today, but is the pilot obsolete? Those jet jockeys, are they gone now? No, I don’t think so, I think they’re going to be around for quite a while. Because you still have to make quick decisions and the pilots who want to make quick decisions, so we’re going to hopefully highlight both worlds.”

While he doesn’t have a time table on that film, he does hope to start on Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales soon. “We’re working on it, it’s hopefully moving forward,” he says of the fifth installment. “Johnny is excited about it, obviously Disney is, we’re excited about it. So hopefully we’ll get that going this fall or end of the year if everything lines up properly.”

Bruckheimer was also asked if Keith Richards will be back? “I hope so. We’d love to have him back, so we’ll see,” he said.

You can check out the interview segment in the player below.


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